If so, please send an email to newsuppliers@lidl.co.uk with a product portfolio and a short presentation on your company. Your presentation will be shared with the relevant buyer and you will be contacted if we are interested in discussing business opportunities further. We look forward to hearing from you!


A big Lidl thank you. We’re proud to have won so many great awards and are thankful to both award bodies and you, our customers for your support. We’re excited to see what’s around the corner! Look out for awards on our products in store.

They wanted to increase children's knowledge about plastic and littering in nature. The solution? Forest mullet and his friends! Just like Skogsmulle, we at Lidl want to reduce plastic use and counteract littering in nature.

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You are attracted to be the winner of our monthly LIDL competition (the name of the recipient)" The email text also remains unchanged: Congratulations! Hello (recipient name), Congratulations! You are attracted as the winner of our monthly LIDL competition Click the link below to find the price for this month. A big Lidl thank you. We’re proud to have won so many great awards and are thankful to both award bodies and you, our customers for your support.

At Lidl we’re dedicated to sourcing the highest quality products, and work closely with our suppliers to ensure this high quality is maintained. So we’re very proud to have been recognised in a number of prestigious awards across our entire product range – from Champagne and single malt whisky to everyday essentials such as nappies

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Den nya satsningen halverade Lidls svinn på butiksbakat bröd under den Höjningen är tillfällig och gäller från den 29 juni 2020 till den 3 januari 2021. Erik H. Andersen Tlf: +45 70 20 44 33 GSM: +45 40 96 48 03 email: 

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Lidl 2021 winner email

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Not only Lidl, but also many top brands like ALDI, Asda, Sainsburys, and more are available on OffersTW! 2021-4-9 · Eco-Score is a front-of-pack labelling system developed in France to communicate the environmental footprint of food in much the same way Nutri-Score informs consumers about nutrition. Launched at the beginning of this year, recent months have seen some big names in European retail – Colruyt and Lidl – begin trialling the label. A big Lidl thank you.

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Trä! email tidningentra@svenskttra.se to create a brand-new retail concept for Lidl, one not  If so, please email us your Cover Letter and CV when applying for the role.

LIDL es una de las pocas empresas que cuenta con una línea de teléfono totalmente gratuita. Para contactar con LIDL por teléfono, podemos recurrir al 900 958 311 . No Lidl encontra produtos de máxima qualidade ao melhor preço.