Kissaki form: O-kissaki. Blad form: Unokubi-Zukuri. Blad material: 1095 hög kolstål. Tsuba material: hög kvalitet legering Tsuba. Bladets bredd (nära heikkiläi): 1 


Kissaki is a Omakase Sushi Restaurant. We specialize in 10, 13 or 16 course Omakase Experience and we also offer an a la carte menu. At Kissaki we believe in honoring and sharing traditional Japanese cuisine with the world. Our restaurant is designed to take diners on a culinary expedition through their senses. The restaurant roots itself in omakase sushi and kaiseki tradition and bases its

ขนาดเล็ก ko-  Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Clay Tempered Unokubi Zukuri Japanese Katana Choji Hamon Sword O-kissaki Shinken at the  Japanese Katana Sword Clay Tempered Unokubi Zukuri Razor Sharp O-kissaki Blade. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Japanese   Blade Shape: Unokubi Zukuri, The Back Of The Blade Is A Shaped Unokubi Zukuri, and with Diamond-Shaped standard-Point (O-Kissaki), it was well defined   Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Japanese Katana Sword Clay Tempered Unokubi Zukuri Razor Sharp O-kissaki Blade at the best  Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Battle Ready Clay Tempered L6 Japanese Samurai Katana Sword Choji O-Kissaki New at the  2008年10月25日 【尾崎豊】 「KISS」 [音楽・サウンド] 尾崎豊の「KISS」です☆音源はCD音源w マイリスト☆mylist/8069159. Sugata [configuration]: honzukuri, oroshi-mune, o-kissaki, possibly naginata- naoshi. Kitae [forging pattern]: itame with jinie, chikei, masame on shinogiji featured O-kissaki points, {It is a long kissaki,Fully hand polishing and hand abrasive to very sharpened edge, quenched and tempering blade shaped  The Back Of The Blade Is A Shaped Unokubi Zukuri, and with Diamond-Shaped standard-Point (O-Kissaki), it was well defined with the hamon going all the way  Hanwei's Kami Katana has a hand-forged and folded K120C powder steel blade with a long o-kissaki featuring a hand-engraved “Fudo” Horimono and Bo-Hi. The Lion Dog Katana features an o-kissaki blade of HanweiŽs own high-alloy HWS-1S steel, which combines superior performance with an outstanding o-choji  Beskrivning. Large Kissaki Daisho Set (with O-Kissaki, large tip): 2 Samurai swords, Katana & Wakizashi - Japan - 16th century.

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The blade's cutting edge/nagasa measures 27 3/4” (70.7 cm). This katana has a Silver foil habaki. Kemikonsult. 070-4143111 The Kami Katana has a hand-forged and folded K120C powder steel blade with a long (o)kissaki featuring a hand engraved “Fudo” Horomono and Bo-Hi. The folding process creates exceptional hada, or grain pattern, along the blade and is accentuated by the distinctive hamon.

Kissaki Forget Home - KFH. 339 likes · 49 talking about this. Temos como meta, decha-lo como Deus o fez.

Kissaki Forget Home - KFH. 339 likes · 49 talking about this. Temos como meta, decha-lo como Deus o fez. Width at the Kissaki : 2.12 cm or 0.83 inches. Kasane : 0.715cm or 0.28 inches.

O kissaki

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Clay Tempered Unokubi Zukuri Japanese Katana Choji Hamon Sword O-kissaki Shinken at the 

Width at the Kissaki : 2.12 cm or 0.83 inches. Kasane : 0.715cm or 0.28 inches. The weight of the sword 750 grams. Era : Nanbokucho period.

O kissaki

Standing ITAME that runs. 2014-06-07 O-Kissaki Killer geometry (wider blade) Custom geometry or dimensions. Saya. Gloss finish (black, dark brown, red, green) Ishime finish (black, dark brown, red, green) Silver kojiri Full-rayskin Half-rayskin Silver strip on rayskin saya Sandan style saya Real Ishime finish (made with crushed charcoal) Rick Barrett - Budogu Fuchi/Kashira/Kojiri - Kissaki (切っ先) and Boshi (Tempered line at Kissaki area) ———-O-kissaki (long and large Kissaki). Fukura kareru (less arc). Midare-komi (body and boshi have a similar tempered pattern), with Kaeri-fukashi (hamon deeply turns back), sometimes Hitatsura (entirely tempered).
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Delivery & Takeout is available Monday - Friday from 5pm-9pm and Saturday - Sunday from 4pm - 9pm.

CROIX BLADES — Japanese Swords, Knives, Militaria "  Die Kissaki (japanisch 切先 oder 鋒) ist die Spitze (Ort) japanischer Schwertklingen. Inhaltsverzeichnis. 1 Beschreibung; 2 Literatur; 3 Weblinks  This tanto has big kissaki, the blade is honsanmai structure and clay tempered. Its saya and tsuka is covered in polished mother-of-pearl and shells and give a  O-Kissaki Katana 1095 High Carbon Steel Full Tang Copper Tsuba Light Cutting- -Ryan315,$169.00,20 in stock.
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"O-KISSAKI" It is a long kissaki. "O" means "large". The kissaki length is far larger than the width. It looks emphatic for eyes. This type started in 14th century. It appears on large blades, over 90 cm long. The blade width also is large towards the kissaki and it is proportional to the length. But the thickness doesn't become so large.

The size of the Kissaki is up to the blade maker but generally fall in Ko, Chu or O sizes which is small 3 cm, medium 4-6 cm and large 7-8cm. The Kissaki-Chu is the most common and will be found on the majority of production swords. There are also numerous shapes the kissaki can be.

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Old Japanese Samurai Sword -Katana -Antique Collection -O-Kissaki! -Signed. Price: $3,500.00. Free shipping on this item! Purchase by Phone.

Nov 25, 2020 - My custom project with Walter Sorrells is a shinogi-zukuri blade with an O-Kissaki. However, there are many, many different styles. I love a large kissaki, but how large is too large, and how small can one get while still being considered an O-Kissaki?

Buy online, view images and see past prices for JAPANESE KATANA SWORD, GENDAITO, O KISSAKI. Invaluable is the world's largest marketplace for art, antiques, and collectibles. 33 1/2" overall with 25" blade cutting edge, 1 1/4" wide at one piece copper habaki. 1 hole unsigned tang.

Komplett aikuchi- stil koshirae (fästen) och nakent blad. Osoraku : Osoraku zukuri har en extremt lång o-kissaki- typ, över hälften av bladets  Ställ ej ner vänstra foten utan svep den dit utan tyngd. Drag till kissaki. Vänster ben bak, nuki tsuki. Två steg fram tillbaka till anfallslinjen och hugg kesagiri ↙.

It looks emphatic for eyes. This type started in 14th century. It appears on large blades, over 90 cm long. The blade width also is large towards the kissaki and it is proportional to the length. But the thickness doesn't become so large. O-kissaki katana is our thickest model with a 6mm-thick blade (equivalent to 0.25 inches). It is designed as an all-purpose cutter.