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Integration of Language and Culture in the Elementary Telugu Curriculum Posted by Hepzibah Sunkari, Lecturer, South and Southeast Asian Studies, January 15, 2011 Telugu belongs to the Dravidian language family and is the second most spoken language in India with more than 80 million speakers. Multibhashi’s Telugu-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Telugu to English like meaning of ‘Andamina’ meaning of Adbhutham and from English to Telugu like meaning of Awesome, meaning of stunning, etc. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Telugu and also the definition of friend in English. Telugu Meaning of Integration or Meaning of Integration in Telugu.
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Telugu <> English dictionary, monolingual Telugu dictionary and other resources for the Telugu language. integration /noun/ বিভিন্ন উপাদানের মিলন; বিভিন্ন উপাদানের একীকরণ; বিভিন্ন উপাদানের একীভবন; . Understand 2 different senses of Integration in Urdu along with English definitions and sentence(s). is an integration of things.
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