2 definitions of OSA. Definition of OSA in Slang/Internet Slang. What does OSA stand for?


Here is the list of all the English words ending with OSA grouped by number of letters: OSA, bosa, dosa, Click on a word ending with OSA to see its definition.

syn. . 1|osa kokonaisuudesta. A seperate unit of a larger whole. fraction of a whole { {jump|t|fraction of a whole|s. position or role { {jump|t|position or role|s.

Osa in english meaning

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1. (animal) a. she-bear. OSA: Operational Support & Analysis (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) OSA: Office of Substance Abuse: OSA: Office of Services to the Aging (Michigan) OSA: Operation Save America (aka Operation Rescue; anti-abortion group) OSA: Out of Service Area: OSA: Object Storage Architecture: OSA: Optical Subassembly: OSA: Operational Support Area: OSA Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) A potentially life-threatening condition characterized by episodes of breathing cessation during sleep alternating with snoring or disordered breathing. The low levels of oxygen in the blood of patients with OSA may eventually cause heart problems or stroke.

Nu är barnen osams i baksätet igen. Varje gång de pratar med varandra blir de osams. Words similar to osams. osa 

There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Osar Pan in English is Infertility, and in Urdu we write it اوسر پن. Meaning unknown. This was the name of American explorer and documentary filmmaker Osa Johnson (1894-1953). In the case of Danish actress Osa Massen (1914-2006) it was apparently an Anglicized form of AASE, her birth name, a variant of ÅSE. «Osa» Meaning of OSA in the English dictionary with examples of use.

Osa in english meaning

This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora). Hay osos pardos en aquellas montañas, pero no vimos ninguno.There are brown bears in those mountains, but we didn't see any.

Sleep apnea may be either obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which breathing is interrupted by a blockage of air flow, central sleep apnea (CSA), in which regular unconscious breath simply stops, or a combination of the two. OSA is the most common form. osa translation in Polish-English dictionary. pl 83 Trybunał wielokrotnie orzekał, że biorąc pod uwagę naukowy charakter wykazu IBA i w braku jakichkolwiek dowodów naukowych przedłożonych przez państwo członkowskie zmierzających do wykazania, że mogło ono wypełnić obowiązki wynikające z art. Translate osa into English. Find words for osa in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. Traducir osa de español a Inglés.

Osa in english meaning

fraction of a whole { {jump|t|fraction of a whole|s.
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1|osa kokonaisuudesta. A seperate unit of a larger whole. fraction of a whole { {jump|t|fraction of a whole|s. position or role { {jump|t|position or role|s.

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This page is also available in: English Du kan också använda Formulärblocket för att skapa ett OSA-formulär för en händelse genom att lägga till några 

Varje gång de pratar med varandra blir de osams. Words similar to osams. osa  Om ett datum för o.s.a. inte angivits kan mottagaren ändå förväntas besvara inbjudan. Den internationella motsvarigheten till o.s.a. är r.s.v.p., vilket är en fransk  English to Swedish Dictionary - Meaning of Smell in Swedish is : lukt, doft, osa, os, misstänka, bildligtana, ha en föraning om, känna lukten av, vädra, lukta på,  RSVP.

Meaning of osa, Definition of Word osa in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is category, in the dictionary of English Arabic. A comprehensive 

The low levels of oxygen in the blood of patients with OSA may eventually cause heart problems or stroke. Definition; OSA: Obstructive Sleep Apnea: OSA: Optical Society of America: OSA: Office of the State Auditor: OSA: Office of Student Affairs: OSA: Osteosarcoma (tumors) OSA: Office of Student Activities (various schools) OSA: Office of Special Affairs (Church of Scientology International) OSA: Oakland School for the Arts (California) OSA 1 (=animal) she-bear. MODISMOS ¡anda la osa! * what a carry-on!

osa (Osa) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is OSA (osa ka matlab english me OSA hai). Get meaning and translation of Osa in English  Here is the list of all the English words ending with OSA grouped by number of letters: OSA, bosa, dosa, Click on a word ending with OSA to see its definition. You could have a sleep disorder, such as obstructive sleep 'apnea' or restless legs syndrome. While his death is blamed on an inflammation of the lungs and heart  Latin search results for: Osa. Latin to English. English to Latin.