SoPact finansieras genom stöd av Vinnova, Tillväxtverket, Lunds Universitet, Socialhögskolan vid Campus Helsingborg och Helsingborgs stad.


YouTube. Talk to us. Sopact Partnership Are you an experienced practitioner, helping other social enterprises grow, or an impact advisor? Conversations with you in 2019 and 2020 made it clear that our partners are looking to take their strategy to a different level. In

703 likes · 27 talking about this. SoPact is an Impact Data Science venture empowering Investment Capital with a Higher Purpose. 2020-01-09 International Monitoring & Evaluation Learning Platform has 664 members. This is a platform for sharing your knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation, and SoPact’s ImpactCloud is a platform that aligns outcomes between funders and grantees & investee using comprehensive impact management approach, simplifies data collection and improves data trust within a network. YouTube. See Our Youtube Channel Forskarskola i retail management, nytt centrum för arbetarhistoria och testmiljöer för samhällslösningar. Det är några av de verksamheter som startar på Campus Helsingborg när Lunds universitet satsar 35 miljoner kronor över fem år på sju initiativ, som ska stärka och utveckla forskningen och utbildningsutbudet.

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En bedömning gjordes också av de sociala företagets potential att SoPact is a leader in social impact measurement software and impact management platform. Talk to our team for partnership, sales, and services Impact Management platform is designed for social impact investing funds, grantmakers & public agency to provide comprehensive social impact measurement & impact management. SoPact erbjuder helt gratis ett acceleratorprogram för sociala entreprenörer. Programmet syftar till att inspirera, stötta och stärka handlingskraftiga systemförändrande entreprenörer och innovationer. Det pågår under tolv veckor och utgår från Think Open Space i Helsingborg. Sopact - en katalysator för samhällsnytta Jan Abrahamsson (2020) 1666.

Kom och lyssna på en introduktion till SoPacts nya projekt fredagen den 30 november. Projektet handlar om att genomföra en tvåårig lärprocess kring en behovsdrivet stöd till sociala innovatörer. Under tillfället vill SoPact gärna samla in idéer och synpunkter av dig som jobbar, forskar eller verkar inom socialt arbete, skola- och fritid, och vård- och omsorg.

SoPact katalyserar idéer som tar tillvara på samhällets potential. SoPact arbetar utifrån samskapande processer som testar, identifierar och skapar lösningar på komplexa samhällsutmaningar. Sopact Partnership Are you an experienced practitioner, helping other social enterprises grow, or an impact advisor? Conversations with you in 2019 and 2020 made it clear that our partners are looking to take their strategy to a different level.

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YouTube. Talk to us. Grantee Data Capacity, Program Reporting & Impact Learning Find out a negative impact in your portfolio before the market does. For Foundations and Impact Investors. Let's Discuss Solution. SoPact empowers Investment Capital with a Higher Purpose.

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SoPact is an Impact Data Science venture empowering Investment Capital with a Higher Purpose. 2020-01-09 International Monitoring & Evaluation Learning Platform has 664 members. This is a platform for sharing your knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation, and SoPact’s ImpactCloud is a platform that aligns outcomes between funders and grantees & investee using comprehensive impact management approach, simplifies data collection and improves data trust within a network.
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Sopact(​)라는 미국의 한 소프트웨어 기업이 무료 Social Impact Academy를 통해 임팩트 전략의 8가지 원칙, 린데이터(Acuman이 개발한  Feb 3, 2021 From 1 March 2021, the New Regulation will remove owner occupier construction contracts as a prescribed class to which the SOP Act does not  date the contract is terminated (SOP Act s 13(1C)). Contractors will now be entitled to make monthly payment claims unless the contract provides for more frequent  Mar 24, 2021 @SoPact. SoPact is an Impact Measurement and Management platform for # ImpInv #Impact Measurement More

Sopact, Helsingborg. 1 750 gillar · 2 pratar om detta · 6 har varit här. Sopact är en innovationsfrämjande verksamhet vid Lunds universitet som katalyserar idéer som tar tillvara på samhällets potential. All About Outcomes.
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All About Outcomes. Impact Revolution has started. Are you ready? Bookmark 🔖 this page, subscribe to youtube channel and follow LinkedIn for field-tested and actionable impact measurement guides, resources, and solutions.

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Sopact är en integrerad del av Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet och får följaktligen sin grundfinansiering därifrån. När det gäller de olika projekt Sopact drivit eller varit en samverkanspartner i, har aktörer som Helsingborgs stad, Vinnova, Tillväxtverket och Region Skåne varit med som finansiärer.

YouTube. Talk to us. Make your organization social impact ready! SoPact webinars are designed to address the issues most important to our clients. Social Impact Consulting.


EvalYouth ECA is a regional initiative of Young and Emerging Evaluators of Eastern Europe, Central After the company’s founding in 2005, YouTube rose quickly through the ranks of online video websites to become an industry leader that streams more than a billion hours of video a day. That’s impressive growth for a site that started with From home-recorded, do-it-yourself repair videos and amateur music sessions to clips from TV shows and pro sports games, YouTube offers every type of video content you can think of — and fans just can’t get enough of it. Since its launch in Listing of all tips relating to YouTube including YouTube keyboard shortcuts, how to repeat YouTube videos, creating playlists and more. The biggest video sharing site has some video-quality limitations, but it has the largest audience. By Danny Allen PCWorld | Today's Best Tech Deals Picked by PCWorld's Editors Top Deals On Great Products Picked by Techconnect's Editors Our YouTube Tricks - YouTube tricks include using the TestTube section that lets you edit different aspects of videos.

Impact Revolution has started. Are you ready?