8 Jul 2008 Today, Kinnevik and Vostok Nafta control 98.7 percent of the Kontakt The offer to purchase shares of Kontakt East at a price of SEK 35 per 


Calculated as the No of Shares Listed * Reference Price at the last trading day of month 356, Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, SDB, VNIL, VNIL SDB, STO, EUR 

This is a visual representation of the price action in the market, over a certain period of time. You can use this to help gauge a market’s performance. – The reported net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of January 31, 2015 was USD 4.58 (SEK 37.85). Following the amended Avito valuation method in this report, the net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of January 31, 2015 was USD 5.14 (SEK 42.52).

Vostok nafta share price

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Management report Vostok Nafta’s share price has continued to rerate since our last report, arguably driven by an increas-ingly positive mood towards the Russian consumer and internet space in general and our two portfolio holdings in particular. The AGM The Annual General Meeting in Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd to be held on May 20, 2015 The Board The Board of Directors in Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd Luxor Capital Any of the funds managed by Luxor Capital Group L.P. Redemption SDR Swedish Depository Receipt representing a redemption share in Vostok Nafta fourth quarter 2012, Vostok Nafta repurchased 234,094 SDRs (shares). – The reported net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of January 31, 2013 was USD 3.84 (SEK 24.40). Management report Vostok Nafta’s NAV has displayed a positive per-formance over the course of 2012 with a 31.3% increase when adjusting for the disbursement of – The reported net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of April 30, 2011 was USD 7.01 (SEK 42.34). Management report The Russian market has steadily continued to improve during the first part of 2011.

För att spä på skiten fyndköpte jag ganska stora mängder Vostok Nafta för 26:70 kr. det dessutom en extremt bred nedgång, alltså inte enbart Swedbank och Vostok Nafta specifikt. Share this: Råvaror från t.row price!!

Vostok Nafta publicerar månatligen ett beräknat substansvärde. Denna information publiceras i form av en pressrelease samt på Vostok Naftas hemsida www.vostoknafta.com. Finansiell information för räkenskapsåret 2011 Företaget kommer att publicera följande rapporter: Delårsrapport för första kvartalet: 18 maj 2011 2015-02-23 · * Vostok has between February 16 and February 20, 2015 repurchased 4,012 Swedish Depository Receipts (SDRs), at an average price of SEK 40.00. Link to press release: https://newsclient.omxgroup 2008-05-26 · vostok nafta: kinnevik and vostok nafta announce cash offer for the shares in kontakt east Email Print Friendly Share 26 mai 2008 08h00 HE | Source : Vostok New Ventures Ltd. 10 The Vostok Nafta investment portfolio 13 TNK-BP Holding 15 Black Earth Farming 17 Tinkoff Credit Systems 19 Avito 20 RusForest 22 Alrosa 24 Gornozavodsk Cement 25 Kuzbassrazrezugol 26 Kuzbass Fuel Company 28 Inter RAO 30 Other holdings 32 The Vostok Nafta share 34 Company information 36 Financial summary 39 Board, management and auditors – The number of outstanding shares at the end of the period was 74,865,149.

Vostok nafta share price

Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd (E\\VNILS) stock price, charts, trades & the US's most popular discussion forums. Free forex prices, toplists, indices and lots more.

Aktierna ägs genom Vostok Komi (Cyprus ) Limited, ett av Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd helägt dotterbolag. 2. Har förbundit sig att inte Price waterhouse Coopers AB som Bolagets revisorer. Ersättningar till Båda tvister handläggs av Stock-.

Vostok nafta share price

Per Brilioth är verkställande direktör för Vostok Nafta Investments Ltd. Andra styrelseuppdrag inkluderar bl.a. Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd, Black Earth Farming Ltd och RusForest AB. Per Brilioth är Share Price (yesterday). Vostok Nafta, vars tillgångar nästan bara är H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB share price in real-time (872318 / SE0000106270), charts and  Vostok Nafta är ett investmentbolag med primärt fokus på energisektorerna i. Ryssland och Den nya skatteregimen och dess påverkan på så kallad ”transfer pricing”. – Utvecklingen i 2000 beslutades om antagande av en Global Share.
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42,000, 7,610,156.40. Atrium Ljungberg, Repurchase, 2021-04-26, 181.19, 42,000, 7,610,156.40  52 Week, 2.03 - 4.37, Mkt Cap of share series 2, 3,176,032,261, Month, 1.32. Year, 3.49 - 4.37, Liquidity Provider, Yes, 3 month, -3.28. Opening price, 3.76  Fama and French Three-Factor model on the Swedish stock market.

23 May 2007 The net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of April 30, 2007 was had a notable impact on our share price, which has not been ideal as  investments and stock price fluctuations.
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2008-05-26 · vostok nafta: kinnevik and vostok nafta announce cash offer for the shares in kontakt east Email Print Friendly Share 26 mai 2008 08h00 HE | Source : Vostok New Ventures Ltd.

The Company’s stock price has risen by some 73% in USD as a result partly of the increase in NAV but A high-level overview of Vostok Nafta Hldg (VNHIF) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment tools. Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd - SDR chart This market's chart.

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In line with many other European stock exchanges the Stockholm OMXS worth SEK 300 million in Ukraine, saw its share price fall 2.5 percent. These include investment company Vostok Nafta, down 9.4 percent, and East 

Link to press release: https://newsclient.omxgroup 2008-05-26 · vostok nafta: kinnevik and vostok nafta announce cash offer for the shares in kontakt east Email Print Friendly Share 26 mai 2008 08h00 HE | Source : Vostok New Ventures Ltd. 10 The Vostok Nafta investment portfolio 13 TNK-BP Holding 15 Black Earth Farming 17 Tinkoff Credit Systems 19 Avito 20 RusForest 22 Alrosa 24 Gornozavodsk Cement 25 Kuzbassrazrezugol 26 Kuzbass Fuel Company 28 Inter RAO 30 Other holdings 32 The Vostok Nafta share 34 Company information 36 Financial summary 39 Board, management and auditors – The number of outstanding shares at the end of the period was 74,865,149. – The reported net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of October 31, 2014 was USD 5.04 (SEK 37.02). Management report There is no question that sentiment around Russia has been better. The situation in Ukraine continues of July 1, 2002–September 30, 2002 the net asset value per share decreased by 16.4% (CSFB ROS index –9.9%). • The annual general meeting of January 17, 2002 approved the spin-off of Vostok Energo Investment Ltd with Vostok Nafta’s utility portfolio, leaving Vostok Nafta as an investment company with its focus on the oil & gas sector. Före 2007 var Vostok Gas största portföljinnehav Gazprom som utgjorde ungefär 91% av portföljen.

av J Martinsson · 2008 — Valuation Ratios and the Long-Run Stock Market Outlook. 1998. (Campbell Därmed exkluderades Investor och Vostok Nafta som an- nars ingår i OMXS30.

Spotlight Stock Market NFO Drives, SEK,,,,,,,, 2021-02-17 Avanza Mitt innehav är följande: Medcap NFO Pare Peab RNB Vostok nafta. Mitt innehav är följande: Medcap NFO Pare Peab RNB Vostok nafta. NFO Drives AB (publ) NFO Drives beslut Stock Market Köp aktier i  Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on October 05, 2001 at CA$ 0.18, and its 1/11/2012, Vostok Nafta: Vostok Nafta depository receipt buy-back. av E Andersson · 2007 — AstraZeneca, Tele2, Vostok Nafta och Scania B närmare.

The AGM The Annual General Meeting in Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd to be held on May 20, 2015 The Board The Board of Directors in Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd Luxor Capital Any of the funds managed by Luxor Capital Group L.P. Redemption SDR Swedish Depository Receipt representing a redemption share in Vostok Nafta share of Vostok Nafta as of July 31, 2010 was USD 5.01 (SEK 36.13). Background Vostok Nafta Investment Ltd was incorporated in Bermuda on April 5, 2007 with corporate identity number 39861. Since July 4, 2007, the Swedish Depository Receipts of Vostok Nafta (SDB) are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Stockholm, – The reported net asset value per share of Vostok Nafta as of April 30, 2011 was USD 7.01 (SEK 42.34).